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Java equals () method

Java String class Java String class

equals () method is used to compare the string to the specified object.


public boolean equals(Object anObject)


  • anObject - the object to compare strings.

return value

If the string is equal to the given object, returns true; otherwise false.


public class Test {
	public static void main(String args[]) {
		String Str1 = new String("w3big");
		String Str2 = Str1;
		String Str3 = new String("w3big");
		boolean retVal;

		retVal = Str1.equals( Str2 );
		System.out.println("返回值 = " + retVal );

		retVal = Str1.equals( Str3 );
		System.out.println("返回值 = " + retVal );

The above program execution results:

返回值 = true
返回值 = true

Java String class Java String class