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C library functions - modf ()

C standard library - <math.h> C standard library - <math.h>


C library functionsdouble modf (double x, double * integer) Returns the value of the fractional part (part after the decimal point), and set the integer to integer part.


Here is () statement modf function.

double modf(double x, double *integer)


  • x - floating-point value.
  • integer - a pointer to an object, the object stores the integer part.

return value

This function returns the fractional part of x, and x symbols the same.


The following example demonstrates modf () function is used.


int main ()
   double x, fractpart, intpart;

   x = 8.123456;
   fractpart = modf(x, &intpart);

   printf("整数部分 = %lf\n", intpart);
   printf("小数部分 = %lf \n", fractpart);

Let's compile and run the above program, which will result in the following:

整数部分 = 8.000000
小数部分 = 0.123456 

C standard library - <math.h> C standard library - <math.h>