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C library functions - div ()

C standard library - <stdlib.h> C standard library - <stdlib.h>


C library functionsdiv_t div (int numer, int denom ) the numer (numerator)divided bydenom (denominator).


Here is div () function's declaration.

div_t div(int numer, int denom)


  • numer - molecules.
  • denom - denominator.

return value

The function returns defined in <cstdlib> value in the structure, the structure has two members, such asdiv_t: int quot; int rem;.


The following example demonstrates div () function is used.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
   div_t output;

   output = div(27, 4);
   printf("(27/ 4) 的商  = %d\n", output.quot);
   printf("(27/4) 的余数 = %d\n", output.rem);

   output = div(27, 3);
   printf("(27/ 3) 的商 = %d\n", output.quot);
   printf("(27/3) 的余数 = %d\n", output.rem);


Let's compile and run the above program, which will result in the following:

(27/ 4) 的商 = 6
(27/4) 的余数 = 3
(27/ 3) 的商 = 9
(27/3) 的余数 = 0

C standard library - <stdlib.h> C standard library - <stdlib.h>