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C continue statement

C cycle C cycle

C language statementscontinue a bit like a breakstatement. But it is not forced to terminate, continue will skip the current code in the loop, forced to start a next cycle.

For thefor loop,continue increment statement after executing the statement will still be executed. Forwhile and do ... whileloop, continue statement? Re-execute the conditional statement.


Continue statement in C language syntax:


flow chart

C continue statement


#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
   /* 局部变量定义 */
   int a = 10;

   /* do 循环执行 */
      if( a == 15)
         /* 跳过迭代 */
         a = a + 1;
      printf("a 的值: %d\n", a);
   }while( a < 20 );
   return 0;

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following results:

a 的值: 10
a 的值: 11
a 的值: 12
a 的值: 13
a 的值: 14
a 的值: 16
a 的值: 17
a 的值: 18
a 的值: 19

C cycle C cycle