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JavaScript Tutorial

JavaScript Tutorial JavaScript Introduction JavaScript usage JavaScript Output JavaScript grammar JavaScript Statement JavaScript Notes JavaScript variable JavaScript type of data JavaScript Object JavaScript function JavaScript Scope JavaScript event JavaScript The string JavaScript Operator JavaScript Comparison JavaScript If...Else JavaScript switch JavaScript for JavaScript while JavaScript Break & Continue JavaScript typeof JavaScript Type conversion JavaScript Regular Expressions JavaScript error JavaScript debugging JavaScript Variable promotion JavaScript Strict mode JavaScript Use errors JavaScript Form validation JavaScript Keep the keyword JavaScript JSON JavaScript void JavaScript Code specification

JS function

JavaScript Function definition JavaScript Function parameter JavaScript Function call JavaScript Closure


DOM Introduction DOM HTML DOM CSS DOM event DOM EventListener DOM element

JS Advanced Tutorial

JavaScript Object JavaScript Number JavaScript String JavaScript Date JavaScript Array JavaScript Boolean JavaScript Math JavaScript RegExp Object

JS Browser BOM

JavaScript Window JavaScript Window Screen JavaScript Window Location JavaScript Window History JavaScript Navigator JavaScript Pop-ups JavaScript Timing events JavaScript Cookies

JS Library

JavaScript Library JavaScript test jQuery JavaScript test Prototype

JS Examples

JavaScript Examples JavaScript Object instance JavaScript Browser object instance JavaScript HTML DOM Examples JavaScript to sum up

JS Reference Manual

JavaScript Object HTML DOM Object

JavaScript error - Throw, Try and Catch

Error statement tests try code block.

catch statement handles the error.

throw statement creates custom error.

JavaScript error

When the JavaScript engine executes JavaScript code, various errors occur.

May be a syntax error is usually caused by programmers coding errors or typos.

Language may be misspelled or missing features (may be due to differences in browser).

It may be erroneous due to the error output from a server or a user of the result.

Of course, it may be due to many other unpredictable factors.

JavaScript throw (throw) Error

When an error occurs, when things go wrong, JavaScript engine will typically stop and generate an error message.

The technical term to describe this situation is: JavaScript will throw an error.

JavaScript try and catch

try to define statement allows us to test for errors in the implementation of the code block.

catch statement allows us to define a block of code when an error occurs when you try code block, executed.

JavaScript try and catch statements appear in pairs.


try {
} catch(err) {


In the following example, we deliberately wrote a typo in the code try block.

to try catch block will catch block error, and execute the code to handle it.


var txt = "";
function message ()
try {
adddlert ( "Welcome guest!") ;
} Catch (err) {
txt = "This page has an error \ n \ n.";
txt + = "Error description:" + err.message + "\ n \ n";
txt + = "Click OK to continue \ n \ n.";
alert (txt);

try it"

Throw Statement

throw statement allows us to create custom error.

The correct technical term is: create or throws an exception (exception).

If the throw and try and catch used together, you can control program flow and generate a custom error message.



JavaScript exception can be a string, number, logical value or object.


In this case the value of the detection of the input variables. If the value is wrong, it throws an exception (error). catch will catch this error, and displays an error message for some custom:

function myFunction()
		var x=document.getElementById("demo").value;
		if(x=="")    throw "值为空";
		if(isNaN(x)) throw "不是数字";
		if(x > 10) throw "太大";
		if(x < 5) throw "太小";
		var y=document.getElementById("mess");
		y.innerHTML="错误:" + err + "。";

try it"

Please note that if getElementById function error, the above example will throw an error.