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CSS Profile

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What is CSS?

  • CSS means Cascading Style Sheets (C ascading S tyle S heets)
  • Styles define how to display HTML elements
  • Styles are normally stored in the stylesheet
  • Adding styles to HTML 4.0 in order to solve the problem of separation of content and performance
  • External style sheet can greatly improve work efficiency
  • External style sheet is usually stored in the CSS file
  • Multiple style definitions can be stacked as a

CSS Examples

An HTML document can display different styles: see how CSS works

Style solve a big problem

HTML tags were originally designed to be used to define the content of the document, the following examples:

<H1> This is a heading </ h1>

<P> This is a paragraph. </ P>

Style sheets define how to display HTML elements, like HTML 3.2 tags and font color attribute that role. Styles are normally stored in an external .css file. By simply editing a simple CSS file, an external style sheet so you have the ability to simultaneously change the site layout and appearance of all pages.

To solve this problem, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), a non-profit coalition of standardization, shouldered the HTML standardization mandate, and in addition to HTML 4.0 to create a style (Style).

Modern browsers support CSS.

CSS stylesheets greatly improved work efficiency

Style sheets define how to display HTML elements

Style sheets define how to display HTML elements, like HTML 3.2 tags and font color attribute that role. Styles are normally stored in an external .css file. By simply editing a simple CSS file, an external style sheet so you have the ability to simultaneously change the site layout and appearance of all pages.