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Linux httpd perintah

Linux perintah Daquan Linux perintah Daquan

Linux httpd perintah adalah program server Apache HTTP.

httpd untuk program server Apache HTTP. implementasi langsung dari program untuk memulai layanan server.


httpd [-hlLStvVX][-c<httpd指令>][-C<httpd指令>][-d<服务器根目录>][-D<设定文件参数>][-f<设定文件>]

Parameter Deskripsi:

  • -c <httpd command> sebelum membaca file konfigurasi, jalankan opsi perintah.
  • -C <Httpd perintah> setelah membaca file konfigurasi, kemudian jalankan opsi perintah.
  • -d <root server> direktori root server.
  • -D <Mengatur file parameter> menentukan parameter yang dikirimkan ke file konfigurasi.
  • -f <Preferences File> Tentukan file konfigurasi.
  • menampilkan -h membantu.
  • modul display l termasuk dalam server pada waktu kompilasi.
  • -L Tampilan perintah Keterangan httpd.
  • pengaturan profil Tampilan -S.
  • sintaks benar file konfigurasi uji t.
  • -v Menampilkan informasi versi.
  • informasi versi -V dan pembentukan lingkungan.
  • Way -X dari satu prosedur untuk memulai server.


Periksa file konfigurasi kesalahan sintaks

# httpd -t
httpd: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
Syntax OK

Mulai httpd

httpd: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

Kompilasi modul display

# httpd -l 
Compiled in modules:

Tampilkan Profil

# httpd -L>1.log|tail -n 20 1.log
Maximum number of children alive at the same time
Allowed in *.conf only outside , or 
ServerLimit (prefork.c)
Maximum value of MaxClients for this run of Apache
Allowed in *.conf only outside , or 
KeepAliveTimeout (http_core.c)
Keep-Alive timeout duration (sec)
Allowed in *.conf only outside , or 
MaxKeepAliveRequests (http_core.c)
Maximum number of Keep-Alive requests per connection, or 0 for infinite
Allowed in *.conf only outside , or 
KeepAlive (http_core.c)
Whether persistent connections should be On or Off
Allowed in *.conf only outside , or 
LoadModule (mod_so.c)
a module name and the name of a shared object file to load it from
Allowed in *.conf only outside , or 
LoadFile (mod_so.c)
shared object file or library to load into the server at runtime
Allowed in *.conf only outside , or 

Linux perintah Daquan Linux perintah Daquan