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HTML contextmenu attribute

HTML Global Attributes HTML Global Attributes


Provisions <div> element context menu. When the user right element will display a context menu:

<div contextmenu="mymenu">

<menu type="context" id="mymenu">
<menuitem label="Refresh"></menuitem>
<menuitem label="Twitter"></menuitem>


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Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

At present, only Firefox browsers support contextmenu attribute.

Definition and Usage

contextmenu attribute specifies the context menu elements. When the user right element will display the context menu. / P>

Contextmenu attribute value is the id need to open the <menu> element.

Differences between HTML 4.01 and HTML5

contextmenu attribute is new in HTML5 attributes.



Property Value

menu_id 要打开的 <menu> 元素的 id。

HTML Global Attributes HTML Global Attributes