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jQuery.parseJSON () method

jQuery Misc Methods jQuery Misc Methods


Parse a JSON string

$ (Function () { var . obj = jQuery parseJSON ( '{ "name": "John"}'); alert ( obj. name === "John" );})

try it"

Definition and Usage

JSON string $ .parseJSON () function is used to match the standard format into the corresponding JavaScript object.

Note: Incoming malformed JSON string may result in an exception. For example, the following invalid JSON string:

"{test: 1}"	

"{'test': 1}"	


//number 必须以数字开头; "0.1" 将是有效的

//undefined 不能表示一个 JSON 字符串; null可以

//NaN 不能表示一个 JSON 字符串; 用Infinity直接表示无限也是不允许的

JSON standard does not allow "control characters" such as tabs or line breaks, for example:

// 多数情况下,它会抛出一个错误,因为JS解析器会将字符串中的\t或\n等转义直接视作字面值,起到Tab或换行的效果。

Correct wording should be as follows (use two backslashes to avoid being directly JS parser escape \ t or \ n):


Note: Before jQuery 1.9 (excluding 1.9): If you pass an empty string, null or undefined, the function will return null, instead of throwing an error, even though it is not a valid JSON string.


$ .parseJSON (Json)

parameter description
json String types need to be resolved and converted to JS object JSON format string

jQuery Misc Methods jQuery Misc Methods