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XSL-FO instream-foreign-object Object

XSL-FO Reference Manual XSL-FO Reference Manual

Definition and Usage

<Fo: instream-foreign-object> object is used inline graphics or "generic" class object. In which the data object to <fo: instream-foreign-object> descendants form. Typically, as a non-XSL namespace of the XML element subtree (a common format is SVG) in its internal memory.

The content of the object size by calling the object's attributes to define the size and scaled to size by specifying the content-height, content-width, and scaling properties.

If the size is enlarged after the content is too large, you can use the overflow property to set the scroll bar to browse the overflow portion.


Contents:(see below)

This object has a child from a class of non-XSL namespace. It may also contain additional non-XSL namespace attribute.


属性 [A-J] 属性 [K-Z]
alignment-adjust keep-with-next
alignment-baseline keep-with-previous
azimuth language
background-attachment left
background-color line-height
background-image margin-bottom
background-repeat margin-left
background-position-horizontal margin-right
background-position-vertical margin-top
baseline-shift overflow
block-progression-dimension padding-after
border-after-color padding-before
border-after-style padding-bottom
border-after-width padding-end
border-before-color padding-left
border-before-style padding-right
border-before-width padding-start
border-bottom-color padding-top
border-bottom-style pause-after
border-bottom-width pause-before
border-end-color pitch
border-end-style pitch-range
border-end-width play-during
border-left-color relative-position
border-left-style richness
border-left-width right
border-right-color role
border-right-style scaling
border-right-width scaling-method
border-start-color script
border-start-style source-document
border-start-width space-end
border-top-color space-start
border-top-style speak
border-top-width speak-header
bottom speak-numeral
clip speak-punctuation
content-height speech-rate
content-type stress
content-width text-align
country text-indent
cue-after top
cue-before voice-family
display-align volume
dominant-baseline width

XSL-FO Reference Manual XSL-FO Reference Manual