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HTML Audio / Video DOM waiting event

HTML audio / video Tag Reference HTML Audio / Video DOM Reference


A message appears when the video starts playing before the next frame buffer need:

var vid = document.getElementById ( "myVideo");
vid.onwaiting = function () {
alert ( "! Wait I need to buffer the next frame");

try it"

Definition and Usage

waiting event is triggered when the next frame buffer video due to the need to stop.

This event can be used <audio> elements, but usually are used in the video.

Browser Support

Figures in the table represent the first browser to support this version of events.

waiting Yes 9.0 Yes Yes Yes



<Audio | video onwaiting = "myScript "> try

In JavaScript:

audio | video .onwaiting = function () {myScript}; try

JavaScript, use the addEventListener () method:

audio | video .addEventListener ( "waiting" , myScript); try

Note: Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions of IE do not support addEventListener () method.

technical details
Supported HTML tags: <Audio> and <video>
Supported JavaScript Objects: Audio, Video

HTML audio / video Tag Reference HTML Audio / Video DOM Reference