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HTML Audio / Video DOM canplay event

HTML audio / video Tag Reference HTML Audio / Video DOM Reference


Suggesting that the video is ready to start playing:

myVid.oncanplay=alert("Can start playing video");

try it"

Definition and Usage

When the browser can start playing the specified audio / video, canplay event occurs.

When the audio / video is loading process will be followed by the following events occur:

  1. loadstart
  2. durationchange
  3. loadedmetadata
  4. loadeddata
  5. progress
  6. canplay
  7. canplaythrough

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

All major browsers support canplay event.

Note: 8 and earlier versions of Internet Explorer does not support the event.



<audio|video oncanplay=" SomeJavaScriptCode ">

In JavaScript:

audio|video .oncanplay= SomeJavaScriptCode ;

Use addEventListener ():

audio|video .addEventListener("canplay", function()

technical details

以下 HTML 标签支持: <audio>, <video>
以下 JavaScript 对象支持: Audio, Video


More examples

Use oncanplay attributes on HTML elements

Use addEventListener () to listen for the event canplay

HTML audio / video Tag Reference HTML Audio / Video DOM Reference