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HTML dropzone attribute

HTML Global Attributes HTML Global Attributes


Drag the data to produce a copy of the data will lead towed:

<Div dropzone = "copy"> </ div>

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

No major browsers support dropzone attribute.

Definition and Usage

dropzone attribute specifies when the data being dragged onto the element at the time, would have been copied, moved or link.

Differences between HTML 4.01 and HTML5

dropzone attribute is new in HTML5 attributes.



Property Value

copy 拖动数据会导致被拖数据产生副本。
move 拖动数据会导致被拖数据移动到新位置。
link 拖动数据会生成指向原始数据的链接。

HTML Global Attributes HTML Global Attributes