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Swift if statement

Swift conditional statement Swift conditional statement

If a Boolean expression followed by a statementby the one or more statements.


Swift languageif the syntax of the statement:

if boolean_expression {
   /* 如果布尔表达式为真将执行的语句 */

If the Boolean expression istrue, the if statement within a block of code will be executed.If the Boolean expression isfalse, if the first set of codes after the statement (after the close parenthesis) will be executed.

flow chart

C if statement


import Cocoa

var varA:Int = 10;

/* 检测条件 */
if varA < 20 {
    /* 如果条件语句为 true 执行以下程序 */
    print("varA 小于 20");
print("varA 变量的值为 \(varA)");

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following results:

varA 小于 20
varA 变量的值为 10

Swift conditional statement Swift conditional statement