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Python variable exchange

Document Object Reference Examples Python3

The following examples are two variables input by a user, and exchange:

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Filename :
# author by :

# 用户输入

x = input('输入 x 值: ')
y = input('输入 y 值: ')

# 创建临时变量,并交换
temp = x
x = y
y = temp

print('交换后 x 的值为: {}'.format(x))
print('交换后 y 的值为: {}'.format(y))

Execute the above code output results:

输入 x 值: 2
输入 y 值: 3
交换后 x 的值为: 3
交换后 y 的值为: 2

The above example, we created a temporary variable temp, the temp variable, then assign the value of y and x values ​​are stored x, y finally temp assignment to a variable.

Do not use temporary variables

We can not create a temporary variable, with a very elegant way to exchange variables:

x,y = y,x

So the above example would be modified as follows:

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Filename :
# author by :

# 用户输入

x = input('输入 x 值: ')
y = input('输入 y 值: ')

# 不使用临时变量
x,y = y,x

print('交换后 x 的值为: {}'.format(x))
print('交换后 y 的值为: {}'.format(y))

Execute the above code output results:

输入 x 值: 1
输入 y 值: 2
交换后 x 的值为: 2
交换后 y 的值为: 1

Document Object Reference Examples Python3