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Python3 os.utime () method

Python3 OS file / directory methods Python3 OS file / directory methods


os.utime () method is used to set the path specified file last modification and access times.

In Unix, Windows effectively.


utime () method syntax is as follows:

os.utime(path, times)


  • path - a file path

  • times - If time is accessed and modified None, the file is set to the current time.Otherwise, time is a digital 2-tuple, (atime, mtime) were used as the access and modification time.

return value

This method has no return value.


The following example demonstrates the use of utime () method:

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import os, sys

# 显示文件的 stat 信息
stinfo = os.stat('')
print (stinfo)

# 使用 os.stat 来接收文件的访问和修改时间
print (" 的访问时间: %s" %stinfo.st_atime)
print (" 的修改时间: %s" %stinfo.st_mtime)

# 修改访问和修改时间
os.utime("",(1330712280, 1330712292))
print ("done!!")

The above program output is:

posix.stat_result(st_mode=33188, st_ino=3940649674337682L, st_dev=277923425L, st
_nlink=1, st_uid=400, st_gid=401, st_size=335L, st_atime=1330498070, st_mtime=13
30498074, st_ctime=1330498065) 的访问时间: 1330498070 的修改时间: 1330498074

Python3 OS file / directory methods Python3 OS file / directory methods