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Python3 os.lchflags () method

Python3 OS file / directory methods Python3 OS file / directory methods


Mark os.lchflags () method is used to set the path for the digital signature, similar chflags (), but no soft links.

Supported only under Unix.


lchflags () method syntax is as follows:

os.lchflags(path, flags)


  • path - set the mark file path

  • flags - may consist of one or more markers in combination, multiple use "|" separated:

    • UF_NODUMP: Non-dump file

    • UF_IMMUTABLE: file is read-only

    • UF_APPEND: only the additional content file

    • UF_NOUNLINK: File can not be deleted

    • UF_OPAQUE: opaque directory, you need to see through the joint stack

    • SF_ARCHIVED: can archive files (super user can be set)

    • SF_IMMUTABLE: file is read-only (super user can be set)

    • SF_APPEND: files can only the additional content (super user can be set)

    • SF_NOUNLINK: file is not deleted (super user can be set)

    • SF_SNAPSHOT: snapshot file (super user can be set)

return value

This method has no return value.


The following example demonstrates lchflags () method of use:


import os, sys

# 打开文件
path = "/var/www/html/foo.txt"
fd = path, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT )

# 关闭文件
os.close( fd )

# 修改文件标记
ret = os.lchflags(path, os.UF_IMMUTABLE )

print ("修改文件标记成功!!")

The above program output is:


Python3 OS file / directory methods Python3 OS file / directory methods