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Python factorial examples

Document Object Reference Examples Python3

Integer factorial (English: factorial) are all less than and equal to the product of the number of positive integers, the factorial of 0 is 1. That is: n = 1 × 2 × 3 × ... × n!.

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# 通过用户输入数字计算阶乘

# 获取用户输入的数字
num = int(input("请输入一个数字: "))
factorial = 1

# 查看数字是负数,0 或 正数
if num < 0:
elif num == 0:
   print("0 的阶乘为 1")
   for i in range(1,num + 1):
       factorial = factorial*i
   print("%d 的阶乘为 %d" %(num,factorial))

Execute the above code output results:

请输入一个数字: 3
3 的阶乘为 6

Document Object Reference Examples Python3