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Python includes exercises 29

Python 100 Li Python 100 Li

Topic: no more than five to a positive integer, requirements: First, it is seeking few, two, reverse print out the digits.

Program analysis: learn decompose each digit.

Source Code:

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

x = int(raw_input("请输入一个数:\n"))
a = x / 10000
b = x % 10000 / 1000
c = x % 1000 / 100
d = x % 100 / 10
e = x % 10

if a != 0:
    print "5 位数:",e,d,c,b,a
elif b != 0:
    print "4 位数:",e,d,c,b,
elif c != 0:
    print "3 位数:",e,d,c
elif d != 0:
    print "2 位数:",e,d
    print "1 位数:",e 

The above example output is:

5 位数: 9 5 4 3 2
4 位数: 2 7 4 3

Python 100 Li Python 100 Li