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PHP imagecolorclosestalpha - made with the specified color + alpha closest color index

PHP Image Processing PHP Image Processing

imagecolorclosestalpha - index achieved the specified color + alpha closest color.


int imagecolorclosestalpha ( resource $image , int $red , int $green , int $blue , int $alpha )

Returns the image palette is "closest" to the specified RGB color value and alpha depth.


  • image created by the image function (for example imagecreatetruecolor ()) image resource returned.
  • valuered red component.
  • green value for the green component.
  • blue blue component value.
  • alpha a value of between 0 and 127.0 means completely opaque, 127 means completely transparent.

Color parameter is an integer between 0 and 255, or between a hexadecimal number between 0x00 and 0xFF.

return value

Returns the index of the closest color in the palette.


Search for a set of colors in the image.

// 从一个图像开始,并将其转换为一个基于调色板的图像
$im = imagecreatefrompng('figures/imagecolorclosest.png');
imagetruecolortopalette($im, false, 255);

// 搜索颜色 (RGB)
$colors = array(
    array(254, 145, 154, 50),
    array(153, 145, 188, 127),
    array(153, 90, 145, 0),
    array(255, 137, 92, 84)

// 循环遍历,查找调色板中最接近的颜色
// 返回搜索次数,搜索的 RGB 和最接近的匹配的 RGB
foreach($colors as $id => $rgb)
    $result = imagecolorclosestalpha($im, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2], $rgb[3]);
    $result = imagecolorsforindex($im, $result);
    $result = "({$result['red']}, {$result['green']}, {$result['blue']}, {$result['alpha']})";

    echo "#$id: 搜索 ($rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2], $rgb[3]); 最接近的匹配: $result。\n";


Output similar to the above example:

#0: 搜索 (254, 145, 154, 50); 最接近的匹配: (252, 150, 148, 0)。
#1: 搜索 (153, 145, 188, 127); 最接近的匹配: (148, 150, 196, 0)。
#2: 搜索 (153, 90, 145, 0); 最接近的匹配: (148, 90, 156, 0)。
#3: 搜索 (255, 137, 92, 84); 最接近的匹配: (252, 150, 92, 0)。

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