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PDO :: errorInfo

PHP PDO Reference Manual PHP PDO Reference Manual

PDO :: errorCode - Returns the last error message database operations (PHP 5> = 5.1.0, PECL pdo> = 0.1.0)



public array PDO::errorInfo ( void )

return value

It returns an array containing the last database operation error description.

Contents of the array as follows:

element information
0 SQLSTATE error code (5 letters or numbers in the ANSI SQL standard defined identifiers of).
1 error code
2 Error Message

Note: If you do not have to operate the database handle, returns NULL.


Display errorInfo () error message about PDO_ODBC connect to the DB2 database

/* 错误的SQL语法 */
$stmt = $dbh->prepare('bogus sql');
if (!$stmt) {
    echo "\nPDO::errorInfo():\n";

The above example will output:

    [0] => HY000
    [1] => 1
    [2] => near "bogus": syntax error

PHP PDO Reference Manual PHP PDO Reference Manual