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PDO :: errorCode

PHP PDO Reference Manual PHP PDO Reference Manual

PDO :: errorCode - Get a handle on the database associated with the operation of SQLSTATE (PHP 5> = 5.1.0, PECL pdo> = 0.1.0)



mixed PDO::errorCode ( void )

return value

Returns a SQLSTATE, an ANSI SQL standard identifiers defined by the five letters or numbers. Briefly, a SQLSTATE value by subclasses class value behind the front two characters and three-character composition.

If the database handle is not operated, it returns NULL.


Get a SQLSTATE code

/* 引发一个错误 -- BONES 数据表不存在 */
$dbh->exec("INSERT INTO bones(skull) VALUES ('lucy')");

echo "\nPDO::errorCode(): ";
print $dbh->errorCode();

The above example will output:

PDO::errorCode(): 42S02

PHP PDO Reference Manual PHP PDO Reference Manual