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PHP str_ireplace () function

PHP String Reference PHP String Reference


The string "! Hello world" characters "WORLD" (case insensitive) replace "Peter":

echo str_ireplace("WORLD","Peter","Hello world!");

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Definition and Usage

str_ireplace () function replaces some characters in the string (not case-sensitive).

This function must follow these rules:

  • If the search string is an array, it returns an array.
  • If the search string is an array, then it will find and replace each element in the array.
  • If you need to find and replace an array, and the need to perform replacement of the elements is less than the number of elements to look for, then the extra elements will be replaced with an empty string.
  • If an array is to find, but only for a string to be replaced, then the replacement string values ​​will all find work.

Note: This function is not case-sensitive.Please use the str_replace () function performs a case-sensitive search.

Note: This function is binary safe.


str_ireplace( find,replace,string,count )

参数 描述
find 必需。规定要查找的值。
replace 必需。规定替换find中的值的值。
string 必需。规定被搜索的字符串。
count 可选。一个变量,对替换数进行计数。

technical details

return value: Returns a string or an array with a replacement value.
PHP version: 5+
Update log: In PHP 5.0, add the count parameter.

More examples

Example 1

With the use of arrays and count variable str_ireplace () function:

$arr = array("blue","red","green","yellow");
print_r(str_ireplace("RED","pink",$arr,$i)); // This function is case-insensitive
echo "Replacements: $i";

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Example 2

Using the element needs to be replaced with a less than look to the elements str_ireplace () function:

$find = array("HELLO","WORLD"); // This function is case-insensitive
$replace = array("B");
$arr = array("Hello","world","!");

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PHP String Reference PHP String Reference