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PHP mysqli_fetch_fields () function

PHP MySQLi Reference Manual PHP MySQLi Reference Manual

Returns an array of result objects concentrated on behalf of the fields (columns), and the output of each field name, and the maximum length of the form:

// 假定数据库用户名:root,密码:123456,数据库:w3big 
if (mysqli_connect_errno($con)) 
    echo "连接 MySQL 失败: " . mysqli_connect_error(); 

$sql="SELECT name,url FROM websites ORDER BY alexa";

if ($result=mysqli_query($con,$sql))
	// 获取所有字段的信息
	foreach ($fieldinfo as $val)
		printf("字段名: %s",$val->name);
		echo "<br>";
		printf("数据表: %s",$val->table);
		echo "<br>";
		printf("最大长度: %d",$val->max_length);
		echo "<br>";
	// 释放结果集


Definition and Usage

() Function returns an array result set representative of the field (column) objects mysqli_fetch_fields.


mysqli_fetch_fields( result ) ;

参数 描述
result 必需。规定由 mysqli_query()、mysqli_store_result() 或 mysqli_use_result() 返回的结果集标识符。

technical details

return value: Returns an object that contains field definition information. If no information is available it returns FALSE. This object has the following properties:
  • name - the name of the column
  • orgname - original column name (if you specify an alias)
  • table - a table name
  • orgtable - the original name of the table (if you specify an alias)
  • The maximum width of the field - max_length
  • length - specified in the table definition field width
  • Character Set number field - charsetnr
  • Flag field - flags
  • type - data type for the field
  • decimals - integer field digits after the decimal point
PHP version: 5+

PHP MySQLi Reference Manual PHP MySQLi Reference Manual