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PHP fileatime () function

PHP Filesystem Reference Manual Complete PHP Filesystem Reference Manual

Definition and Usage

fileatime () function returns the file's last access time.

If successful, the function will return a Unix timestamp in the form of file's last access time. If it fails, it returns FALSE.



参数 描述
filename 必需。规定要检查的文件。

Tips and Notes

Note: The results of this function are cached.Use clearstatcache () to clear the cache.

Note: File access time should be changed whenever a file is read in the data block.Part of the Unix system is shut down access time updates, this is because when an application to access a large number of files on a regular basis it is affecting performance, turn off access time updates can improve the performance of such procedures. USENET news spools are a common example. In this file system, this function is useless.


echo fileatime("test.txt");
echo "<br />";
echo "Last access: ".date("F d Y H:i:s.",fileatime("test.txt"));

The code above will output:

Last access: February 23 2006 09:48:21.

PHP Filesystem Reference Manual Complete PHP Filesystem Reference Manual