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PHP file_put_contents () function

PHP Filesystem Reference Manual Complete PHP Filesystem Reference Manual

Definition and Usage

file_put_contents () function takes a string to the file.

The function to access the file, follow these rules:

  1. If the FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH, then checks the * filename * Built-copy path
  2. If the file does not exist, create a file
  3. open a file
  4. If the LOCK_EX, then the lock file
  5. If the FILE_APPEND, it will be moved to the end of the file. Otherwise, it will clear the contents of the file
  6. Write data to a file
  7. Close the file and unlock all files

If successful, the function returns the number of characters written to the file. If it fails, it returns False.



参数 描述
file 必需。规定要写入数据的文件。如果文件不存在,则创建一个新文件。
data 必需。规定要写入文件的数据。可以是字符串、数组或数据流。
mode 可选。规定如何打开/写入文件。可能的值:
context 可选。规定文件句柄的环境。context 是一套可以修改流的行为的选项。

Tips and Notes

NOTE: Use FILE_APPEND avoid deleting files that already exist in the content.


echo file_put_contents("test.txt","Hello World. Testing!");

The code above will output:


PHP Filesystem Reference Manual Complete PHP Filesystem Reference Manual