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PHP date_sun_info () function

PHP Date / Time PHP Date / Time Reference Manual


Returns information about the January 1, 2013, latitude 31.7667, longitude 35.2333 sunrise / sunset and dusk dusk end information /:

foreach ($sun_info as $key=>$val)
echo "$key: " . date("H:i:s",$val) . "<br>";

Running instance »

Definition and Usage

date_sun_info () function returns a specified date and location of the relevant sunrise / sunset information arrays start at dusk and end at dusk / include.

Tip: See date_sunrise () function returns the specified date and location of the sunrise time.

Tip: See date_sunset () function returns the specified date and location of the sunset times.


date_sun_info( timestamp,latitude,longitude);

参数 描述
timestamp 必需。规定时间戳。
latitude 必需。规定纬度。
longitude 必需。规定经度。

technical details

return value: If successful, it returns an array if it fails it returns FALSE.
PHP version: 5.1.2+

PHP Date / Time PHP Date / Time Reference Manual