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PHP jewishtojd () function

PHP Calendar Reference Manual PHP Calendar Reference Manual


The Jewish calendar date is converted to Julian day count:

echo $jd;

Running instance »

Definition and Usage

jewishtojd () function to convert the Jewish calendar date to Julian day count.

Note: The effective date range for the processing function since 3761 years BC, the Jewish calendar. Jewish calendar existed for thousands of years, but the early start of the month and not formulaic calculation. The first month of the new moon for the first time observed annually.

Tip: See jdtojewish () function to a Julian day count to a Jewish calendar date.


jewishtojd( month,day,year);

参数 描述
month 必需。一个从 1 到 13 的数字,规定月。
day 必需。一个从 1 到 30 的数字,规定日。
year 必需。一个从 1 到 9999 的数字,规定年。

technical details

return value: Returns the Julian day numbers.
PHP version: 4+

PHP Calendar Reference Manual PHP Calendar Reference Manual