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PHP jdtounix () function

PHP Calendar Reference Manual PHP Calendar Reference Manual


The Gregorian calendar date is converted to Julian day count, then Julian day count to a Unix timestamp:

echo jdtounix($jd);

Running instance »

Definition and Usage

jdtounix () function to a Julian day count to a Unix timestamp.

Note: If the parameter is not Unix jd into a new era (meaning Gregorian years must be between 1970 and 2037, or jd> = 2440588 and jd <= 2465342), the function returns false. The return time is local time.

Tip: See unixtojd () to convert a Unix timestamp to Julian day count.


jdtounix (jd);

参数 描述
jd 必需。介于 2440588 和 2465342 之间的儒略日数字。

technical details

return value: Returns the specified Julian day Unix timestamp of the start.
PHP version: 4+

PHP Calendar Reference Manual PHP Calendar Reference Manual