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PHP in_array () function

PHP Array Reference Complete PHP Array Reference


Searches the array value "Glenn", and outputs some text:

$people = array("Peter", "Joe", "Glenn", "Cleveland");

if (in_array("Glenn", $people))
echo "Match found";
echo "Match not found";

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Definition and Usage

in_array () function to specify the value of the existence of the search array.

Note: If thesearch parameter is a string and the type parameter is set to TRUE, the search is case sensitive.


in_array( search,array,type )

参数 描述
search 必需。规定要在数组搜索的值。
array 必需。规定要搜索的数组。
type 可选。如果该参数设置为 TRUE,则 in_array() 函数检查搜索的数据与数组的值的类型是否相同。

technical details

return value: If you find the value in the array it returns TRUE, otherwise returns FALSE.
PHP version: 4+
Update Log Since PHP 4.2 onwards, search parameter can be an array.

More examples

Example 1

Use all parameters:

$people = array("Peter", "Joe", "Glenn", "Cleveland", 23);

if (in_array("23", $people, TRUE))
echo "Match found<br>";
echo "Match not found<br>";
if (in_array("Glenn",$people, TRUE))
echo "Match found<br>";
echo "Match not found<br>";

if (in_array(23,$people, TRUE))
echo "Match found<br>";
echo "Match not found<br>";

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PHP Array Reference Complete PHP Array Reference