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jQuery.isFunction () method

jQuery Misc Methods jQuery Misc Methods


Test parameters as a function of whether

<Div> jQuery.isFunction (objs [0 ]) = <span> </ span> </ div> <Div> jQuery.isFunction (objs [1 ]) = <span> </ span> </ div> <Div> jQuery.isFunction (objs [2 ]) = <span> </ span> </ div> <Div> jQuery.isFunction (objs [3 ]) = <span> </ span> </ div> <Div> jQuery.isFunction (objs [4 ]) = <span> </ span> </ div>
<Script> $ (function () { function stub () {} var objs = [ function () {}, { x: 15, y: 20 }, Null, stub, "function " ];. $ Each ( objs, function ( i ) { var isFunc = $. isFunction ( objs [ i ]); $ ( "Span" ). Eq ( i ). Text ( isFunc );});}) < / Script>

try it"

Definition and Usage

$ .isFunction () Function is used to determine whether the specified parameter is a function.

Note: The version 1.3 after jQuery, for example, in Internet Explorer, the function alert provided by the browser (), and DOM element methods (eg getAttribute ()) will not be considered a function.


$.isFunction( object )

参数 描述
object 任意类型 需要进行判断的任意值。


More examples

Determines whether the specified parameters
Determine whether the argument passed to the function.

jQuery Misc Methods jQuery Misc Methods