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jQuery change () method

jQuery Event Methods jQuery Event Methods


When the <input> field to change the alert text:

$ ( "Input"). Change (function () {
alert ( "text has been modified");

try it"

Definition and Usage

A change event occurs when the value changes element (only for form fields).

change () method triggers the change event, or when a predetermined function is run when a change event occurs.

Note: When used to select elements, change event occurs when selecting an option.When used in text field or text area, change event occurs when the element loses focus.


Trigger the selected element change events:

$(selector).change() 尝试一下

Add the function to the change event:

$(selector).change(function) 尝试一下

参数 描述
function 可选。规定针对被选元素当 change 事件发生时运行的函数。

jQuery Event Methods jQuery Event Methods