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Go Language Map (collection)

Map is a disordered collection of keys. Map the most important thing is to quickly retrieve data by key, key index similar to, point to the value of the data.

Map is a collection, so we can like it as an iterative iterative arrays and slices. However, Map is disordered, we can not determine its return order, this is because the Map is to use hash table to achieve.

Defined Map

You can make use of built-in functions can also be defined using the map Map Keywords:

/* 声明变量,默认 map 是 nil */
var map_variable map[key_data_type]value_data_type

/* 使用 make 函数 */
map_variable = make(map[key_data_type]value_data_type)

If you do not initialize the map, it will create a nil map. nil map can not be used to store key-value pairs


The following example demonstrates the creation and use of map:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   var countryCapitalMap map[string]string
   /* 创建集合 */
   countryCapitalMap = make(map[string]string)
   /* map 插入 key-value 对,各个国家对应的首都 */
   countryCapitalMap["France"] = "Paris"
   countryCapitalMap["Italy"] = "Rome"
   countryCapitalMap["Japan"] = "Tokyo"
   countryCapitalMap["India"] = "New Delhi"
   /* 使用 key 输出 map 值 */
   for country := range countryCapitalMap {
      fmt.Println("Capital of",country,"is",countryCapitalMap[country])
   /* 查看元素在集合中是否存在 */
   captial, ok := countryCapitalMap["United States"]
   /* 如果 ok 是 true, 则存在,否则不存在 */
      fmt.Println("Capital of United States is", captial)  
   }else {
      fmt.Println("Capital of United States is not present") 

Examples of the above operating results as follows:

Capital of France is Paris
Capital of Italy is Rome
Capital of Japan is Tokyo
Capital of India is New Delhi
Capital of United States is not present

delete () function

Elements of the collection delete () function is used to delete the parameters for the map and its corresponding key. Examples are as follows:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {   
   /* 创建 map */
   countryCapitalMap := map[string] string {"France":"Paris","Italy":"Rome","Japan":"Tokyo","India":"New Delhi"}
   fmt.Println("原始 map")   
   /* 打印 map */
   for country := range countryCapitalMap {
      fmt.Println("Capital of",country,"is",countryCapitalMap[country])
   /* 删除元素 */
   fmt.Println("Entry for France is deleted")  
   fmt.Println("删除元素后 map")   
   /* 打印 map */
   for country := range countryCapitalMap {
      fmt.Println("Capital of",country,"is",countryCapitalMap[country])

Examples of the above operating results as follows:

原始 map
Capital of France is Paris
Capital of Italy is Rome
Capital of Japan is Tokyo
Capital of India is New Delhi
Entry for France is deleted
删除元素后 map
Capital of Italy is Rome
Capital of Japan is Tokyo
Capital of India is New Delhi