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C # pass an array to a function

C # arrays C # arrays

In C #, you can pass an array as a parameter. You may not be indexed by specifying the name of an array to pass a pointer to the array to a function.


The following example demonstrates how to pass an array to a function:

using System;

namespace ArrayApplication
   class MyArray
      double getAverage (int [] arr, int size)
         int i;
         double avg;
         int sum = 0;

         for (i = 0; i <size; ++ i)
            sum + = arr [i];

         avg = (double) sum / size;
         return avg;
      static void Main (string [] args)
         MyArray app = new MyArray ();
         / * A int array with five elements * /
         int [] balance = new int [] {1000, 2, 3, 17, 50};
         double avg;

         Pointer / * array is passed as a parameter * /
         avg = app.getAverage (balance, 5);

         / * Output return value * /
         Console.WriteLine ( "average is: {0}", avg);
         Console.ReadKey ();

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following results:

Average is: 214.4

C # arrays C # arrays