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Binary file reading and writing C #

Input and Output C # file Input and Output C # file

BinaryReader and BinaryWriterclasses for reading and writing binary files.

BinaryReader class

BinaryReader class for reading binary data from a file.ABinaryReader objects passed to its constructor FileStreamobject is created.

The following table lists some commonBinaryReader class methods:

序号方法 & 描述
1public override void Close()
关闭 BinaryReader 对象和基础流。
2public virtual int Read()
3public virtual bool ReadBoolean()
4public virtual byte ReadByte()
5public virtual byte[] ReadBytes( int count )
6public virtual char ReadChar()
7public virtual char[] ReadChars( int count )
8public virtual double ReadDouble()
从当前流中读取一个 8 字节浮点值,并把流的当前位置往前移八个字节。
9public virtual int ReadInt32()
从当前流中读取一个 4 字节有符号整数,并把流的当前位置往前移四个字节。
10public virtual string ReadString()

For a complete list, please visit the Microsoft C # documents.

BinaryWriter class

BinaryWriter class for writing binary data to a file.ABinaryWriter objects passed to its constructor FileStreamobject is created.

The following table lists some commonBinaryWriter class methods:

序号方法 & 描述
1public override void Close()
关闭 BinaryWriter 对象和基础流。
2public virtual void Flush()
3public virtual long Seek( int offset, SeekOrigin origin )
4public virtual void Write( bool value )
把一个单字节的布尔值写入到当前流中,0 表示 false,1 表示 true。
5public virtual void Write( byte value )
6public virtual void Write( byte[] buffer )
7public virtual void Write( char ch )
把一个 Unicode 字符写入到当前流中,并把流的当前位置按照所使用的编码和要写入到流中的指定的字符往前移。
8public virtual void Write( char[] chars )
9public virtual void Write( double value )
把一个 8 字节浮点值写入到当前流中,并把流位置往前移八个字节。
10public virtual void Write( int value )
把一个 4 字节有符号整数写入到当前流中,并把流位置往前移四个字节。
11public virtual void Write( string value )
把一个以长度为前缀的字符串写入到 BinaryWriter 的当前编码的流中,并把流的当前位置按照所使用的编码和要写入到流中的指定的字符往前移。

For a complete list, please visit the Microsoft C # documents.


The following example demonstrates reading and writing binary data:

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace BinaryFileApplication
    class Program
        static void Main (string [] args)
            BinaryWriter bw;
            BinaryReader br;
            int i = 25;
            double d = 3.14157;
            bool b = true;
            string s = "I am happy";
            // Create a file try
                bw = new BinaryWriter (new FileStream ( "mydata",
            catch (IOException e)
                Console.WriteLine (e.Message + "\ n Can not create file.");
            // Try to write files
                bw.Write (i);
                bw.Write (d);
                bw.Write (b);
                bw.Write (s);
            catch (IOException e)
                Console.WriteLine (e.Message + "\ n Can not write to file.");

            bw.Close ();
            // Try to read the file
                br = new BinaryReader (new FileStream ( "mydata",
            catch (IOException e)
                Console.WriteLine (e.Message + "\ n Can not open file.");
                i = br.ReadInt32 ();
                Console.WriteLine ( "Integer data: {0}", i);
                d = br.ReadDouble ();
                Console.WriteLine ( "Double data: {0}", d);
                b = br.ReadBoolean ();
                Console.WriteLine ( "Boolean data: {0}", b);
                s = br.ReadString ();
                Console.WriteLine ( "String data: {0}", s);
            catch (IOException e)
                Console.WriteLine (e.Message + "\ n Can not read from file.");
            br.Close ();
            Console.ReadKey ();

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following results:

Integer data: 25
Double data: 3.14157
Boolean data: True
String data: I am happy

Input and Output C # file Input and Output C # file