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C ++ if ... else statement

C ++ judgment C ++ judgment

After aif statement with an optional else statement,else statement executes the Boolean expression is false.


C ++ syntax ofif ... else statement:

   // 如果布尔表达式为真将执行的语句
   // 如果布尔表达式为假将执行的语句

If the Boolean expression istrue, then the code ifthe execution block. If the Boolean expression isfalse, then the code within the elseblock executed.

flow chart

In C ++ if ... else statement


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
   // 局部变量声明
   int a = 100;
   // 检查布尔条件
   if( a < 20 )
       // 如果条件为真,则输出下面的语句
       cout << "a 小于 20" << endl;
       // 如果条件为假,则输出下面的语句
       cout << "a 大于 20" << endl;
   cout << "a 的值是 " << a << endl;
   return 0;

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following results:

a 大于 20
a 的值是 100

if ... else if ... else statement

After aif statement with an optional else if ... elsestatement, which can be used to test a variety of conditions.

When using if ... else if ... else statement, the following points should be noted:

  • Available with a zero or after a if else, else must after all else if.
  • If the latter can be followed by zero or more else if, else if necessary before else.
  • Once a successful match else if, else if or else the other will not be tested.


C ++ The syntax ofif ... else if ... else statement:

if(boolean_expression 1)
   // 当布尔表达式 1 为真时执行
else if( boolean_expression 2)
   // 当布尔表达式 2 为真时执行
else if( boolean_expression 3)
   // 当布尔表达式 3 为真时执行
   // 当上面条件都不为真时执行


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
   // 局部变量声明
   int a = 100;
   // 检查布尔条件
   if( a == 10 )
       // 如果 if 条件为真,则输出下面的语句
       cout << "a 的值是 10" << endl;
   else if( a == 20 )
       // 如果 else if 条件为真,则输出下面的语句
       cout << "a 的值是 20" << endl;
   else if( a == 30 )
       // 如果 else if 条件为真,则输出下面的语句
       cout << "a 的值是 30" << endl;
       // 如果上面条件都不为真,则输出下面的语句
       cout << "没有匹配的值" << endl;
   cout << "a 的准确值是 " << a << endl;
   return 0;

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following results:

a 的准确值是 100

C ++ judgment C ++ judgment