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WebSecurity RequireRoles method

WebSecurity objects WebSecurity objects


If the current user is not a member of any of the specified role, RequireRoles () method sets the HTTP status of 401 (Unauthorized).

C # and VB syntax



Examples of C #

WebSecurity.RequireRoles("Admin", "Poweruser");

Examples VB

WebSecurity.RequireRoles("Admin", "Poweruser")


参数 类型 描述
roles String 当前用户必须属于的角色列表,以逗号分隔。

return value


Errors and exceptions

In the following scenario, any access to WebSecurity object will throw an InvalidOperationException:

  • InitializeDatabaseConnection () method has not been called
  • SimpleMembership not initialized (or disabled in the site configuration)


RequireRoles () verifies that the current user is a member of all of the specified role. If the current user is not all members of the specified role, the HTTP status is set to 401 (Unauthorized).

To verify whether the current user has been authenticated, use RequireAuthenticatedUser () method.

To verify that the current user is the user specified, use RequireUser () method.

Technical data

Namespace WebMatrix.WebData
Assembly WebMatrix.WebData.dll

WebSecurity objects WebSecurity objects