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WebSecurity InitializeDatabaseConnection method

WebSecurity objects WebSecurity objects


InitializeDatabaseConnection () method initializes WebSecurity database.

The method by connecting to a database that contains information about users and members to initialize WebSecurity system.

C # and VB syntax

WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection( connectionString, userTableName, userIdColumn, userNameColumn, autoCreateTables )


参数 类型 描述
connectionString String

您的 WebSecurity 数据库的名称

userTableName String 包含用户资料信息的数据库
userIdColumn String 包含用户 ID(主键)的数据库
userNameColumn String 包含用户名的数据库
autoCreateTables Boolean true 指示如果用户资料和会员表不存在则必须创建表,否则为 false

return value



If you are using SQL Server Compact, connectionString WebSecurity should be the name of the database (without .sdf file extension). Otherwise, it should be the name of the configuration (web.config file) connection string in the Web.

Note Even autoCreateTables forces the database tables are created automatically, but the premise is the database itself must already exist.

Errors and exceptions

In the following cases, InitializeDatabaseConnection () method throws an InvalidOperationException:

  • SimpleMembership not initialized (or disabled in the site configuration)

Technical data

Namespace WebMatrix.WebData
Assembly WebMatrix.WebData.dll

WebSecurity objects WebSecurity objects