Latest web development tutorials

ASP.NET TableCell control

Web Server Controls Web server control

Definition and Usage

Table TableCell control and control and TableRow controls combine to create a table cell.

Tip: Each row unit are stored in TableRow control Cells collection.


属性 描述 .NET
AssociatedHeaderCellID 与 TableCell 控件关联的表标题单元格列表。 2.0
ColumnSpan 单元格跨越的列数。 1.0
HorizontalAlign 表格单元格中内容的水平对齐方式。 1.0
RowSpan 单元格跨越的行数。 1.0
runat 规定该控件是服务器控件。必须设置为 "server"。 1.0
Text 规定表格单元格的文本。 1.0
VerticalAlign 表格单元格中内容的垂直对齐方式。 1.0
Wrap 规定单元格内容是否换行。 1.0

Web Control Standard Properties

AccessKey, Attributes, BackColor, BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth, CssClass, Enabled, Font, EnableTheming, ForeColor, Height, IsEnabled, SkinID, Style, TabIndex, ToolTip, Width

For a full description, visit the Web Control Standard Attributes .

Control Standard Properties

AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory, BindingContainer, ClientID, Controls, EnableTheming, EnableViewState, ID, NamingContainer, Page, Parent, Site, TemplateControl, TemplateSourceDirectory, UniqueID, Visible

For a full description, go to Control Standard Attributes .


In this example, we declare two Table controls in an .aspx file.

Table 2
In this example, we declare a Table control in an .aspx file, the three TableRow controls, and two TableCell controls.

Web Server Controls Web server control