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AngularJS ng-repeat instruction

AngularJS Reference Manual AngularJS Reference Manual

AngularJS examples

Loop output multiple titles:

<Body ng-app = "myApp " ng-controller = "myCtrl">

<H1 ng-repeat = "x in records"> {{x}} </ h1>

var app = angular.module ( "myApp", []);
app.controller ( "myCtrl", function ($ scope) {
$ Scope.records = [
The "Tutorial 1"
"This tutorial 2"
The "Tutorial 3"
The "Tutorial 4"
</ Script>

</ Body>

try it"

Definition and Usage

ng-repeat instruction loop output for a specified number of HTML elements.

Collection must be an array or object.


<Element ng-repeat = "expression "> </ element>

All HTML elements support the instruction.

Parameter Value

value description
expression Expression defines how a collection cycle.

Example rule expression:

x in records

(key, value) in myObj

x in records track by $id(x)

More examples

AngularJS examples

Using an array loop outputs a table:

<Table ng-controller = "myCtrl " border = "1">
<Tr ng-repeat = "x in records">
<Td> {{x.Name}} </ td>
<Td> {{x.Country}} </ td>
</ Tr>
</ Table>

var app = angular.module ( "myApp", []);
app.controller ( "myCtrl", function ($ scope) {
$ Scope.records = [
"Name": "Alfreds Futterkiste",
"Country": "Germany"
}, {
"Name": "Berglunds snabbkop",
"Country": "Sweden"
}, {
"Name": "Centro comercial Moctezuma",
"Country": "Mexico"
}, {
"Name": "Ernst Handel",
"Country": "Austria"
</ Script>

try it"

AngularJS examples

A cycle of the output using the object table:

<Table ng-controller = "myCtrl " border = "1">
<Tr ng-repeat = "( x, y) in myObj">
<Td> {{x}} </ td>
<Td> {{y}} </ td>
</ Tr>
</ Table>

var app = angular.module ( "myApp", []);
app.controller ( "myCtrl", function ($ scope) {
$ Scope.myObj = {
"Name": "Alfreds Futterkiste",
"Country": "Germany",
"City": "Berlin"
</ Script>

try it"

AngularJS Reference Manual AngularJS Reference Manual